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Efren K. Recipient

Sense of emotional wellbeing

People who are emotionally healthy and strong that means they generally have a sense of emotional wellbeing. They know how to recover from the failures of life, build strong relationships and are able to take challenges. It’s not that they don’t have to face challenges or don’t have to struggle; it’s just that they have ability to recover from the rough patches of life. They know hardships, struggles, unhappiness are part and parcel of life. And, when they hit by the storm of problems, they overcome soon as they know how important it is the emotional wellbeing of self. Sometimes our life is full of hardships and miseries and a constant wave of miseries we tend to lose our energy that may affect our emotional health. It takes a lot of efforts to maintain physical health, the same way it requires efforts to calm the inner storm of your mind. Pair a healthy diet with exercise Eat nutritious food to provide your body essential minerals and nutrients that make your body healthy. Exercises are very important to build your body and strong and healthy. Exercises make you active and energetic. Stay tuned Your computer and mobiles phones may entertain you for a while, but it restricts your physical contact with real people. Socialize more. Spend quality time with your friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors. The more you listen and spend time with them, the stronger your relations are bonded. Be optimistic No matter how tough time you’re going through, be optimistic and learn to enjoy the bumpy ride of life too. Have ‘me’ time Your work may keep you busy for many hours, but your mind and body too need a break from the routine. Dedicate weekends only to yourself. Enjoy the ‘me’ time, take care of yourself, go to a movie, take a walk on the beach, listen to music, read a book, talk to a friend or work in your backyard. Keep your mood always upbeat by doing something you enjoy. Do something new Always do something new that occupies your mind with creativity and positivity. Learn a new language, do gardening, attend creative workshops, reading, writing, and dance or play an instrument. When you learn something new, your mind gets busy and focused towards new learning. It’s kind of a brain food. Sense of mindfulness Practicing mindfulness means you’re enjoying the current moment you’re in and have an awareness of self. Meditation is a great way to connect your inner world. Purchase Provigil.