Profile picture for user Miming Ape
Francisco A. Friend

Have you named your LVAD unit yet?

I met a guy who named it Artoo. Whats yours?

Profile picture for user MrChristopherL

Yes, mine is Artoo as in R2D2, the little robot from Star Wars. The little robot was always plugged in and truly running the star ships, computers,and pretty much all other operations. R2D2 usually saves the heroes more than once, so it is an appropriate name!

Profile picture for user Micki_Greene
Micki G.

Yes, we named my husbands Mercedes. He is in the car business and we chose the top of the line for it's name!

There is a cute long story to it with our doctor's but this is all for now! By the way the best team of doctor's ever.

Profile picture for user LVADone
Michael-Joshua M.

I recvd my LVAD November 2009. 48 hours after Implant i asked my wife to open up a new email account for me. My new email addy would be Why LVADone? Folks would ask me. My response was/is If The President of the United States flies in AIRFORCEone and MARINEone :-) My LVAD is named "LVADone". With tht name, i was ready to "take off" and SOAR on my new journey... My New Norm. In November 2009 when i googled LVAD, there was only clinical info about it. 2 blogs and a small FACBOOK group for LVADers... so in a way i felt that i was taking a flight the way Charles Lindberg did alone aboard the Spirit Of St Louis. when he flew across the Atlantic Ocean for the 1st time. And since the LVAD pump was designed (in part by NASA)as a mini jet engine that propels blood... Hence LVADone :-)