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Leslie H. Family Member

Is this normal? Can you offer any advice?

My father went into the hospital in late August because he wasn't feeling well and wasn't eating. He already had a pacemaker in and had been in the hospital for low blood pressure. Two days after going into the hospital his heart stopped, they were able to revive him and put a tube in. We talked to him after that happened and he was able to recognize what we were saying. After that they sedated him while they assessed him. The doctors decided to put a LVAD in and during surgery they found his right heart could not keep up with the new flow so they put him on a temporary RVAD. That evening he had a seizure (according to my research, this happens when there is a sudden increase of blood flow that the brain is not used to), this was on Wednesday night. They have been assessing him and look hopeful. They have been reducing the use of the RVAD and he squeezed my hand today when I asked him.

I know every experience is different and there is not concrete outcome but are there family members, caregivers, or recipients who experienced something similar to what I have posted and came out "okay"?