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Jon M. Caregiver

LVAD failure

My partner received his much anticipated LVAD May 6, 2014. He was discharged to home on the 20th. We were disappointed to see any noticeable increase of energy or stamina. On June 13th his LVAD failed. Fortunately, because of the computer/comptroller read outs and alarm system, we were able to get him back to his hospital and LVAD team before the failure. His team decided to disconnect and leave the LVAD in him until transplant to avoid any more trauma. So they snipped the driveline and tucked it inside. He has been able to return home, June 27th. With a dobutermine central line and a bucketful of meds. He's doing ok, but still quite weak and stressed. He's on the transplant list, so now it's a matter of waiting since all other options have been exhausted. I am stressed as well. But both his LVAD and transplant team is following him constantly and we trust their expertise. The hospital is responsive and we have a good support network. Nonetheless, it is a very stressful time for us. We understand this is unusual. We won't know for sure why the LVAD failed until they remove it.