Profile picture for user mike_kilgore
Mike K. Recipient

quality of life is more important than quanity,

I recieved my hii in aug of 2010. Life was good till feb of 2012 ldh went out of wack but I had no other symtems. In sept of 2012 I got infection after moving a hot dog mach witch I finely had to let the Dr replace pump. I was told in feb that a bearing was cuasing the pump to chew up blood cells cuasing clots.

Now I am back with new pump and still have high ldh. Any one else have pump problems.


Profile picture for user hope
sheila k.

My husband just had his implanted 8-12, and I read your post. This is so new, we really do not know all the problems it may cause, but without it, I know, he would not be alive. I also am worried about the insurance and the cost in the long run, but what choice does one have when faced with what you and my husband have faced. It takes a strong person to go thru this, and you need to just appreciate the day, for it is really a gift, but a hard way to live, I know. But without it, would you still be here? I read all these problems one may encounter, and just pray things will be OK. I know I did not answer your question, but thought I would respond. Take care....

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Hi, I am the wife of a very recent LVAD patient at the Cleveland Clinic, too. How are you doing? My husbands pacer went off while we were in a car, which caused a pretty horrific accident (no other cars involved, thankfully), so I've been in my own recovery program at the same time he's been dealing with this. So far, we both seem to be doing ok, except that seeing my husband with his "bionic stuff" is a daily reminder of just how close Death was, and is. Am I grateful? Of course! But it's still so scary and sad.