Profile picture for user jeleadu
Jessica Lea D. Friend


We are currently inviting Ventricular Assist Device patients globally to participate in an online questionnaire about their experience with their VAD wearable systems. The aim of the questionnaire is to research how Ventricular Assist Device patients feel about the design of their external wearable VAD gear. This questionnaire is part of a wider research project exploring the user experience of wearable components of Ventricular Assist Devices.

The questionnaire may take approximately 15-20 minutes of your time to complete.

Your participation is completely voluntary.

If you are a VAD patient and would like to participate, the link to access the questionnaire is:

Please feel free to email at any stage if you wish to discuss any questions you have or to request further details relating to the research.

Kind regards,

Jessica Lea Dunn, PhD Candidate, Design Innovation (The University of Sydney)

Profile picture for user mbenner55
Michael B.


I've been searching and purchasing all types of hiking and backpack products to try to achieve both comfort and better weight distribution.

I've found waist belt hiking packs on for $8 to $15 that are ok, but still have limitations and shortcomings. Do you have anything discovered and/or developed that helps for the active LVAD patient? I've been one since last August. My email is Thanks

Profile picture for user victortann

In reply to by Michael B.

victor t.

Hi Michael

I have been an LVAD recipient for the last 6 years and since day 1, I have been using this vest from

There are pockets on either side for each battery. These pockets were meant for handguns but all you need to do is to remove abit of stitching and it will fit the batteries perfectly.

And for the control unit, there is a belt pouch which comes with the LVAD that I use. This distributes the weight quite well and protects the wires. I will tuck all the wires inside the vest.

Another modification I do with the vest is I sew in an elastic band at the end of the vest so the wires are safely tucked inside and will not drop out. My preference is the tank top but take a look at

All the best and let me know if you have questions.



Profile picture for user jeleadu

In reply to by Michael B.

Jessica Lea D.

Dear Michael,

Thank you for your comment. I have been looking these issues as a part of my PhD research, however the ideas are still in prototype stage. During my research, one patient mentioned this product, currently made and being used by hospitals in the Netherlands - it might offer some of the features such as comfort and better weight distribution you are looking for:

Kind regards, Jessica

Profile picture for user jeleadu
Jessica Lea D.

Dear Victor,

Thank you for your helpful feedback! That sounds like you have come up with quite an ideal solution for you.

Kind regards,


Profile picture for user victortann

In reply to by Jessica Lea D.

victor t.

Glad to help. I've been using this vest since the day I walked out with the LVAD and that was almost 6 years ago. The whole objective is to balance out the weight, conceal it well and look as normal as possible.  I can send you some pics of the setup if you'd like. cheers