Profile picture for user JS
Josephine S. Caregiver

Husband got LVAD on July 23

My husband was originally scheduled to get his LVAD on April 23rd. Due to his right side of the heart being severely compromised, they could not do the operation. He was put on a milnirone drip. After about 5 or 6 weeks or so, they did a cardiac catherization to see how the right side of the heart was doing. He developed complication and was bleeding internally and remained in the hospital for 5 days. After that he seemed to go downhill. He was referred to Columbia Presbyterian to a great surgeon but there too the news was all doom and gloom. After two days of visiting the doctor, we received a phone call for him to go in to get another catherization. That was on July 15th and for one week they optimized him to the umpth degree. He received his LVAD on July 23rd and came through the operation great. The surgeon and doctors were amazed at how well he did because his heart was so sick. He came home on August 16th and is coming along slowly. He is uncomfortable with the stuff they gave him to hold the batteries and the system controller. Can someone help us to find a vest that is comfortable. Let me say that the power of prayer is amazing - without it and the wonderful surgeon, doctors and nurses, I don't think he would have made it. I hope this helps someone else who is without hope. Thank you.


Profile picture for user Maria_Garcia
Maria G.

It depends on the Machine you have. I just got the Heart ware and that one doesn't have a Vest at all only a fanny pack. but, I did hear from another patient that had the Heart Mate. He uses hunting vests they are so confortable and have all that padding and pockets for the batteries and controller that makes it so much better. I hope this helps .. My prayers are with your father and your Family. <3