Profile picture for user klnoecker
Karen N. Caregiver

short temper?? why??

My husband had his LVAD since January and I noticed his temper is much shorter since he's been home. He does all his stuff on his own too and once in a while he will ask for help but not often. Mine is a case of mental abuse. Like today, he's made at me because he didn't have covers in bed last night, really??? Now he comes out and tells me he's going to take all the curtains down because in the morning I like to open the curtain on my side of the room since the sun doesn't hit that until afternoon and then I close it. but I closed the curtain early today and turned my light on and he came out yelling at me for that too

Profile picture for user cw167b_2
Courtney W.

Idk...they want special attention at times.

TLC. Catered to...but not to the extreme.

Baby him, hes scared, he needs you.

Dont think its mental only for you. Think of whats going threw his mind walking around with a mechanical heart that can really just fuck up @ any moment.

Profile picture for user cw167b_2
Courtney W.

I know taking care of them, even the unseen little things, the stress, the emotions

you have yourself and feeling tired can weigh you down and little things like lights and blankets can seem so huge. But when you step back think of him as a child right now, needing his mother, only adding this in because it reminded me of my son earlier,

" Mama, go get my alligator so I can go to sleep"

just little things, that comfort him, make a big difference and can go both ways as in little things like that can piss u off because u had enough for one day but if you love him, love him. Make sure he feels it. Believe me there will be a point all his gratitude for u and to be lucky enough to have someone by his side will be poured out upon you and you will know your loved as well.

Profile picture for user katnunokawa
Kathleen N.

My sister in Italy is an LVAD recipient and going through that short temper stage. Partly due to her wanting things done a certain way. I live in Honolulu and am sorry I can't be there to help her. She has been doing a lot of chores that leaves her very tired. Her companion has his own life too but helps her in anyway he can, otherwise she has no caregiver. Perhaps this idea may help...she has been going to a neuropsychiatrist to have someone to talk to as she feels the doctors really don't understand the problems of an LVAD patient. His diagnosis was that she could be suffering from Post Traumatic Syndrome from all her medical treatments, new lifestyle etc. In Italy there are no support groups to join so I encouraged her to join MyLVAD as well as LVAD Warriors online. However she has difficulty using a computer (TIA suffered during LVAD implant). Perhaps your husband can see a doctor to discuss this.