My son received his Bilateral VADS the end of November. Does anyone else on the forum have bilateral VADS and if so any information or tips are greatly appreciated, Thanks
My grandson was at Marine Boot Camp (18 yrs old) and had a severe heart attack. Long story short he now has an LVAD ll, complications led to a left leg amputation and his left hand isn't working . The doctors said his heart is repairing itself. My question is has anyone heard of explanting an LVAD without a heart transplant? The doctors led us to believe that they would explant and now we are hearing they dont happen very often.
I heard we had one here in Houston. Don't know all of the details. He was middle age ( big factor) and after a time they determined his heart was growing stronger due to the relieved stress. Also his kidneys and liver were not affected. After testing and some other reasons they removed it.
My grandson was at Marine Boot Camp (18 yrs old) and had a severe heart attack. Long story short he now has an LVAD ll, complications led to a left leg amputation and his left hand isn't working . The doctors said his heart is repairing itself. My question is has anyone heard of explanting an LVAD without a heart transplant? The doctors led us to believe that they would explant and now we are hearing they dont happen very often.
Creating a personal link between LVADers,and their caregivers, with others in the same situation in there own area. A place to post your information so others can connect with you.
Mon, 01/25/2016 - 7:52PMIn reply to LVAD II by Lynn H.
Jeff W.LVAD explant
Mon, 02/01/2016 - 10:18PMLVAD II
Mon, 01/25/2016 - 7:55PM