Profile picture for user prairiefox53
Kristine F. Family Member

Looking for a Heartmate III mobile power unit and cables.

My husband received a Heartmate III on 3/7 this year. He would like to have an extra mobile power unit and cables to keep in our family room as that is where we do most of our relaxing. Please let me know if you have an extra. We live in the Chicago area.

Profile picture for user dkb547
Diana B.

Hi, I have a charger , 6 batteries , portable night time power unit I would like to donate , I am in Michigan.

Profile picture for user butchie

In reply to by Diana B.

Vito M.

Hi Diana, I’d love to have backup equipment. My job has me traveling a lot and to have to pack up my home eq, and travel with it is hard. I’d love to have backup equipment that I can keep packed up and ready yo travel? 
I received my lavas 2-1/2 years ago, I was told it would be a bridge to transplant but after almost two years it became evident that they never had any intentions of placing me on the list. I have diabetes ant had issues with infections and they knew this would disqualify me because if I needed antibiotics they would not work well with the anti rejection medicine. 
so this is now my life till the end. I would be more than willing to pay for packing and shipping of the equipment so you fell that your willing to allow me to have it. Vito m 774-521-,9368

Profile picture for user COLLEENH

In reply to by Nancy D.

colleen h.

If your asking about the equipment, batteries, charger and nighttime unit I still have it. I wasn't planning on charging for it and I have know idea how much to ship. Just let me know if you want it and email me your address and I'll send it.

Profile picture for user Swerntz
Stacy W.

My husband has the Heartmate III LVAD and we are looking for an additional charger and batteries.  We have a cabin without electric and the extra batteries and charger would be a great relief to ensure he will have enough charged batteries for his stays at the cabin. 


Profile picture for user papabearmi
Richard J.

I'm looking for a Heartmate 3 vest, just missed buying one on E-bay but it got away from me. I live in the Detroit Metro area, suburb. 

Profile picture for user RPickerill
Rick P.

Has anyone owned and traveled in RV with a Heartmate lll device.  I was concerned about charger and mobile power unit while traveling and staying in RV. Thanks Rick

Profile picture for user mwsimmons

In reply to by Rick P.

Michael W S.

Hello Rick

I’ve traveled in my rv and I haven’t had any issues.  My Lvad team informed me that I can NOT plug in to power while at a campground as the power isn’t stable at some locations. I use battery power only while I camp. I take the charger with me and take all 8 batteries with me. 
When I got to bed I put a fresh set of batteries on and change them out when I wake up in the morning. 

Hope this helps. 


Profile picture for user hilleyja
James H.

You can find Heartmate 3 accessories on eBay.  I would stay away from the used controllers but batteries, chargers, and power modules with cables are good to go.  I found a power module and plugged it in next to my lounge chair in the living room; it works great.