Looking for anyone else with a similar Heartmate ii story.
Sat, 02/06/2016 - 9:36PMHere's my story in a nutshell... Due to being in end stage heart failure I had a Heartmate ii implant on 11/20/15, went home about 2.5 weeks later but still didn't really feel any better. I assumed it was due to the fact I had spent a month in a hospital bed prior to my surgery. Came in a week later for 1st follow up and was admitted to hospital because they feared I may have developed a clot, after scanning all the things they could scan the doctors concluded it had to be in the pump itself which they can't see with any type of scan. My flow numbers were high, my power numbers were high as well. They did a echo ramp study which was pretty much the deciding factor for them. Needless to say I received a new Heartmate ii on 1/11/16. It has been a long rough road up to this point. Still in hospital going through rehab therapy for my now wasted away body. Sorry that was longer than expected.
LVAD pump replacement
Fri, 01/06/2017 - 10:51AM