God bless all of you
Mon, 10/10/2016 - 8:41PMI just want to say how uplifting it is to read your blogs. First time for me, every day when I get up , I thank god for his effect on my journey. To all those waiting for a heart, God be with you, I ended up being removed from the transplant list and in November 2014, I had a explant procedure on my lvad, of which I had since October 2013. for some unkown reason God chose to have me get well enough with my heart function returning to 60. And yes I know how lucky I am . The one thing I learned was not to loose faith. Thirty days after my explant I had a cerebral hemorage, of which we think had to do with uncontrolled blood pressure and high sugar as I am a diabetic also. Miracle number 2, I have with the grace of God recovered, no parylization, . I remember well having my lvad, the others waiting at the lvad desk at the clinic and seeing sadness and hope. By all means never loose faith as it's the one thing that you do control. Ther really should be a lvad dating site as I am single now, and know what is involved with caregiving a lvad.just a note ? The explant that I received left the lvad pump and atrial pipe in my chest cavity as it was safer, I still consider myself a lvad. God bless all of you, Green shoes