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JW R. Recipient

A little financial assistance for caregivers

Hello, I am JW Rucker Jr. Founder of Walking On Water Outreach Ministries. I am an LVAD recipient. I have had it since September of 2018. I am very grateful for my wife, family, and neighbors who have been understanding and compassionate during this life-changing event. When I was in the Hospital I was thinking about ways to help caregivers because I saw my wife along with other families constantly paying for parking, meals, and fuel to go back and forth to the hospital to be with their loved ones.

Part of Walking On Water Outreach Ministries mission is to provide small financial assistance to caregivers in the form of fuel cards and meal cards pre and post surgery.  (30 days at least) to assist family caregivers. I know it might not seem much.  However, I believe it will help.  We are in the process of partnering with local law enforcement departments to heighten public awareness about life-sustaining medical devices. I invite you to visit and explore our ministry website and subscribe and sign up for financial assistance.

Go to   for more information. I look forward to hear from you.